Monday, August 27, 2018

Visit Market at Gelael Swalayan

Blog kedua sy untuk visit market kali ini saya tetap ke swalayan lagi tetapi bukan di carefour melainkan Gelael.
Disini tugas sy tetap sama, yaitu mengecek harga dari barang / produk yang ada di swalayan ini.

Untuk harga dari produk tersebut ada di tabel berikut

Visit Market in Carefour at TSM

Seperti title blog ini, di blog pertama visit market kali ini sy mengunjungi salah satu swalayan di Makassar yaitu Carefour TSM.
Tugas sy untuk mencaritahu harga dari barang / product dari swalayan ini dengan swalayan lain.

Untuk harga dan jenis - jenis produk akan sy lampirkan ditabel bawah.

Famous food || Sop Sodara dan Kari

Sop saudara

Konon, sop saudara berawal dari H. Dollahi yang merupakan seorang pelayan dari H. Subair, seorang penjual sop daging yang cukup terkenal di Makassar pada era tahun 1950-an. Keduanya adalah warga kampung Sanrangan Pangkep yang mengadu peruntungan untuk meneruskan hidup dengan membuka warung makan.

Setelah selama 3 tahun berkongsi, H. Dollahi pun memberanikan diri untuk membuka usaha sendiri pada tahun 1957 dengan membawa nama Sop Saudara yang membuka lapak di kawasan Karebosi, Makassar. Racikan H. Dollahi ini ternyata mampu menarik minat pecinta kuliner baik bagi warga asli maupun pendatang.

Nama Sop Saudara yang unik ini dipilih karena terinspirasi dari nama "coto paraikatte" (biasa dijadikan nama warung yang menjual Coto Makassar). Dalam bahasa Makassar "paraikatte" berarti "saudara" atau "sesama". Dengan nama tersebut, H. Dollahi berharap semua orang yang makan di warung ini akan merasa bersaudara dengan pemilik, pelayan dan sesama penikmat Sop Saudara.


Hasil gambar untuk kari makanan

Kari adalah nama untuk berjenis-jenis makanan yang menggunakan campuran bumbu dan rempah-rempah sehingga mempunyai rasa tajam dan pedas. Kari adalah masakan asal India , Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilangka yang telah meluas ke seluruh negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik, bahkan telah diperkenalkan ke Inggris sejak abad ke 18.

Bumbu dan rempah-rempah yang digunakan untuk membuat kari sangat beragam dan tidak terbatas pada ketumbar, merica, cabe, bubuk paprika, jintan putih, jintan manis, kunyit, kayu manis, kapulaga, bunga lawang, adas manis, daun kari dan cengkeh. Jenis bumbu dan rempah yang digunakan juga bergantung pada jenis masakan dan negara asal masakan.

Istilah "kari" berasal dari bahasa Tamil yang berarti saus atau berbagai macam masakan sayur-sayuran dan daging dari India Selatan yang dimakan bersama nasi putih. Di negaranegara Barat, "curry" adalah sebutan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk semua jenis masakan Asia Selatan dan Asia Tenggara yang dimasak dengan berbagai bumbu dan rempah.

Bubuk kari (curry powder) adalah campuran dari berbagai jenis bumbu dan rempah yang pertama kali dibuat oleh orang Inggris yang rindu pada masakan kari India. Daun kari adalah nama daun pohon kari (Chalcas koenigii) yang tumbuh di banyak tempat di India.

Penerapan Kari pada Berbagai Masakan
Beberapa hasil kajian menunjukkan beberapa masakan kari dapat dijuimpai pada masakan dari negara India, Thailand, Malaysia dan Jepang. Berikut ini beberapa penerapannya pada masakan.
1. Masakan Tamil
Masakan Tamil adalah masakan yang berasal dari provinsi Tamil Nadu. Jenis-jenis kari masakan Tamil, misalnya kari kentang, kari ayam, dan kari kambing. Bumbu dan rempah yang digunakan antara lain daun kari, asam jawa, ketumbar, jahe, bawang putih, cabe, lada hitam, kayu manis, cengkeh, kapulaga, kunyit, biji pala, kelapa dan air bunga mawar.
Masakan Tamil juga memiliki beragam masakan nasi dan lentil yang menggunakan bumbu kari. Sayur-sayuran dan produk dari susu juga merupakan pelengkap masakan kari ala Tamil.
2. Masakan Thailand
Masakan Thailand mengenal kari dengan bahan utama daging, ikan dan sayur-sayuran yang dimasak menggunakan santan kelapa. Kari yang menggunakan cabe merah disebut kari merah, sedangkan kari yang menggunakan cabe hijau disebut kari hijau. Kari kuning menggunakan kunyit dan jintan sehingga
rasanya mirip dengan kari masakan India.
3. Masakan Malaysia
Di Malaysia, semua jenis bahan makanan sering dimasak kari, seperti ayam, kambing, cumi-cumi, ikan, kepala ikan, terong, telur, dan berbagai macam jenis sayuran. Kari Malaysia menggunakan santan kelapa dan gilingan kunyit, bawang merah, bawang putih, jahe, dan cabe. Nasi Kandar dari Pulau Pinang adalah nasi putih yang dimakan dengan berbagai jenis masakan kari. Rendang merupakan masakan kari yang dikenal baik di Malaysia maupun di Indonesia.
4. Masakan Indonesia
Rendang dan semua jenis gulai pada masakan Padang seperti gulai ayam, gulai otak, dan gulai kambing merupakan salah bentuk kari dengan sedikit rempah-rempah. Sate padang juga menggunakan kuah yang merupakan salah satu bentuk kari. Makanan ringan yang menggunakan kari misalnya Martabak kari
dan martabak Kubang. Mie instan yang dikenal di Indonesia juga banyak yang mempunyai rasa kari ayam.
5. Masakan Jepang
Kari merupakan masakan yang sangat populer di Jepang dengan kuah yang kental dan rasa rempah-rempah yang biasanya juga kurang tajam jika dibandingkan dengan kari masakan India. Kari Jepang sering tidak pedas karena ditambahkan madu atau parutan buah apel.
Berbagai jenis makanan Jepang yang berupa kari:
Curry rice (nasi putih yang dihidangkan bersama kari kental berisi daging dan sayur-sayuran seperti kentang, bawang bombay dan wortel)
Kari Udon (udon yang diberi kuah kari)
Kari Pan (roti goreng yang di dalamnya berisi kari daging cincang)
Katsu Kari (daging babi berbungkus tepung panir yang diberi kuah kari)
Kari senbei (makanan ringan seperti kerupuk dari beras rasa kari)
Mi instan
Kari-ru (curry roux) adalah istilah bahasa Jepang untuk bumbu kari siap pakai berbentuk padat dengan bahan dasar lemak dan minyak. Di Tokyo, daging yang digunakan untuk kari adalah daging babi, sedangkan di Osaka lebih umum menggunakan daging sapi.
Kari baru dikenal orang Jepang pada zaman Meiji. Pada mulanya kari adalah makanan yang disajikan untuk pelaut yang sedang berada di atas kapal. Tepung terigu ditambahkan sebagai pengental pada kuah kari, agar kuah tidak mudah tumpah sewaktu dimakan di atas kapal yang sering dihantam gelombang.


Praktek #4 || Puff Pastry

Hai guys,
di praktek kali ini kami membuat puff pastry yang terbagi lagi menjadi butterfly puff, cheese stick, apple strudel

untuk resep dari puff pastry yaitu:

500 gr hard flour
400 gr shortening
15 gr salt
700 ml water

cara membuat:

1. potong shortening menjadi kotak kecil
2. campur flour, salt, dan shortening
3. masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit
4, aduk hingga rata
5. lalu roll hingga tipisnya merata

butterfly puff
apple strudle

apple strudel

cheese stick

Practice #4 || Puff Pastry

hai guys,
today we made puff pastry which is divide into butterfly puff, cheese stick , and apple strudle.

recipe for

Pastry Puff

500 gr hard flour
400 gr shortening
15 gr salt
700 ml water

How to Make:
1. cut the shortening to cube
2. mix hard flour , salt, and shortening
3. add the water little by little
4. mix well
5. then roll untill the dough is good

butterfly puff

apple strudle
apple strudle

cheeese stick

Practice #3 || Croissant and Danish

for this time we make croissant and danish again,
the flavor for croissant is plain, and danish is pastry cream with cherry

for recipe croissant and ddanish you can check at my least blog,
in this blog i will give the result of my product

Praktek #3 || Croissant dan Danish

untuk kali ini kami membuat croissant dan danish,
utk croisantnya plain dan danish filling pastry cream with cherry.

resep croissant dan danish bisa kalian cek ke blog sebelum saya, disana ada resep dan cara pembuatannya.
untuk hasil produk sy hari ini bisa di liat digambar bawah

Utensils #18

1. Meat Thermometer

It's made of metal, the funchion for measure the temperature of meat, it's can be clean with napkin.

2. Sharperner Mechine 

It's made of metal and plastic, the funchion for sharper knife, it's can be clean with wet napkin

3. Wok 

It's made of Copper, the funchion for frying food, it's can be washed with soap and rinsed with clean water.

Ingredients #2

Frying Oil

A vegetable oil is a triglyceride extracted from a plant. The term "vegetable oil" can be narrowly defined as referring only to plant oils that are liquid at room temperature, or broadly defined without regard to a substance's state of matter at a given temperature. For this reason, vegetable oils that are solid at room temperature are sometimes called vegetable fats. In contrast to these triglycerides, vegetable waxes lack glycerin in their structure. Although many plant parts may yield oil, in commercial practice, oil is extracted primarily from seeds.

On food packaging, the term "vegetable oil" is often used in ingredients lists instead of specifying the exact plant being used, especially when the oil used is less desirable to the consumer or if a mix is used, such as palm, canola, soybean, and safflower oils, (whereas coconut oil and olive oil may be perceived as more desirable).[citation needed]

Sumber :


Mustard is a condiment made from the seeds of a mustard plant (white/ yellow mustard, Sinapis alba; brown/ Indian mustard, Brassica juncea; or black mustard, B. nigra).

The whole, ground, cracked, or bruised mustard seeds are mixed with water, vinegar, lemon juice, wine, or other liquids, salt, and often other flavorings and spices, to create a paste or sauce ranging in color from bright yellow to dark brown. The taste of mustard ranges from sweet to spicy.

Commonly paired with meats and cheeses, mustard is added to sandwiches, salads, hamburgers, corn dogs, and hot dogs. It is also used as an ingredient in many dressings, glazes, sauces, soups, and marinades. As a cream or as individual seeds, mustard is used as a condiment in the cuisine of India and Bangladesh, the Mediterranean, northern and southeastern Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa,making it one of the most popular and widely used spices and condiments in the world.[citation needed]

Sumber :

Black Pepper

Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. When dried, the fruit is known as a peppercorn. When fresh and fully mature, it is approximately 5 millimetres (0.20 in) in diameter, dark red, and, like all drupes, contains a single seed. Peppercorns, and the ground pepper derived from them, may be described simply as pepper, or more precisely as black pepper (cooked and dried unripe fruit), green pepper (dried unripe fruit) and white pepper (ripe fruit seeds).

Sumber :

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Utensils #17


                      A beanpot is a deep, wide-bellied, short-necked vessel used to cook bean-based dishes. Beanpots are typically made of ceramic, though pots made of other materials, like cast iron, can also be found. The relatively narrow mouth of the beanpot minimizes evaporation and heat loss, while the deep, wide, thick-walled body of the pot facilitates long, slow cooking times.
              Beanpots are traditionally associated with New England, in particular Boston, Massachusetts. This association is evident in the nickname Beantown, and the use of the name beanpot for Boston events such as the Beanpot ice hockey tournament.
                     Beanpots resemble the Indian handi and the Spanish, Mexican or Native American olla, and may be related to the latter vessel. Unlike the German Römertopf and the Japanese donabe, they are typically glazed both inside and out, and so cannot be used for clay pot cooking.
How to Clean Up ?
                     Just using soap cleaner like before and than let dry or dry with lamp and than keep it.


                        A pancake machine is an electrically-powered machine that automatically produces cooked pancakes. It is believed that the earliest known pancake machine was invented in the United States in 1928. Several types of pancake machines exist that perform in various manners, for both commercial and home use. Some are fully automatic in operation, while others are semi-automatic. Some companies mass-produce pancake machines, and some have been homemade. The Happy Egg Company constructed a novelty pancake machine in 2013 in commemoration of Pancake Day in the United Kingdom.
                       Various types of pancake machines exist, such as those that run pancake batter through a heated conveyor inside of a box unit, and those that automatically drop pancake batter onto a flattop grill. Some pancake machines, such as one developed by Crepe-Coer, cook both sides of a pancake simultaneously. Semi-automatic pancake machines also exist, which require some human interaction to function, such as the pouring of batter. Commercial pancake machines may be used in the foodservice industry, in cafeterias and by restaurants, and can serve to reduce the waste of stale pancake batter. Some hotels have pancake machines that guests are allowed to operate. They are also used in other environments in a self-service manner, such as in upscale airport lounges and hotels.
How to Clean Up ?
                        Clean up dirty if still sticky and washing by soap cleaner.


                     In many English-speaking countries, a panini or panino (from the Italian panini, meaning "sandwiches") is a grilled sandwich made from bread other than white bread.
                     Examples of bread types used for panini are baguette, ciabatta, and michetta. The bread is cut horizontally and filled with deli ingredients such as cheese, ham, mortadella, salami, or other food, and often served warm after having been pressed by a warming grill.

                     Although the first U.S. reference to panini dates to 1956, and a precursor appeared in a 16th-century Italian cookbook, the sandwiches became trendy in Milanese bars, called paninoteche, in the 1970s and 1980s. Trendy U.S. restaurants, particularly in New York, began selling panini, whose popularity began during the late 1990s, then spread to other U.S. cities, each producing distinctive variations of it.
                      During the 1980s, the term paninaro arose in Italy to denote a member of a youth culture represented by patrons of sandwich bars such as Milan's Al Panino and Italy's first US-style fast food restaurants. Paninari were depicted as right-leaning, fashion-fixated individuals, delighting in showcasing early 1980s consumer goods as status symbols.

How to Clean Up ?
                     Make sure no more dirty on the grill and clean by soap cleaner. 

Utensils #16


                     Oven is one of the kitchen furniture that is very familiar to mothers who like to cook or love to make a cake. Especially for those of you who have catering business and bakery business. The oven is one of the much needed tools for baking cookies and producing delicious cakes. Baking cookies is easy for those of you who are not familiar with the baking process, but for those of you who are used to it will feel very easy and fun. Ovens are not just one type, many types of ovens are produced according to what we need.

There are 4 types of ovens commonly used such as:
1. Household ovens are the type of oven that is usually used with a fire source from a kerosene or gas stove, usually not equipped with a temperature control and timer. Usually used for the needs of housewives or home industry.
 2. Semi-professional oven is a type of oven used gas or electricity, which has been equipped with temperature control and timer but not yet accurate because it still can not regulate the hot temperature between the top and bottom. Usually used by bakery or bakery business with a production capacity is not too large.
 3. Profonal oven is a type of oven that uses electricity for roasting process, others use gas but have to use 60kg LPG tube, equipped with timer and top and bottom temperature regulator and equipped with sound signal when roasting process is complete. There are 2 types of professional ovens commonly used Gas Gasing Oven and Gas Deck Oven more practical and save space. The oven is operated using LPG gas while the Proofer uses electricity. Commonly used by bakery stores or medium-sized industrial enterprises whose production capacity is large and needs a fast process.
4. Oven Industry is a large-scale oven type with a length reaching 10 meters to 100 meters and even a 150meter, to a width of about 50 meters to 150 meters. Industrial oven uses rails for fast and automatic roasting process. Equipped with temperature control, timer, and air extraction regulator. And even every zone or oven roasting section can be set different temperature. For roasting process the same as a professional oven using electricity and gas.

How to Clean Up ?
                 The easiest way to clean the oven is with a chemical cleaning product. However, using a chemical cleaner often makes the iron plate in the oven easy to rust and will leave a bad smell. We recommend that you use a natural cleaning agent, using a natural cleaning agent is certainly safer, more powerful and also provides a fragrant aroma one of them by using baking soda.
                  Baking soda is one of the ingredients to make cake, and it turns out baking soda can be used as a cleaning material, one of which is to clean the oven. Here's how to clean the oven using baking soda :
1. First, prepare the oven to be cleaned, Dr. warm, dishwashing soap and baking soda.
2. Remove the oven rack and soak it into warm water mixed with dishwashing soap. Wait a while until the dirt on the oven shelf dissolves and is easily washed.
 3. If it is soluble or easy to wash, then wash the oven rack and brush all the dirt that is completely clean and then dry.
4. To clean the inside of the oven, put about 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a sprayed bottle. Add about half a glass of water and shake until baking soda dissolves.
5. Spray the water that has been baked soda into the entire inside of the oven.
6. Let stand about 1 hour until the dirt in the form of charcoal or cake left in the oven up.
7. If all the dirt has been removed, then rinse and wipe the inside of the oven using a cloth that has been soaked with warm water.8. If there is still dirt, spray back baking soda and do the cleaning until the dirt in the oven really lifted well and clean.9. If the inside of the oven is clean, then wipe the exterior the same way.
10. If it is felt inside and outside the oven is clean, oven shelf in reinsert.


                      A blowtorch (USA usage), or blowlamp (British usage, or rare or archaic), is a fuel-burning tool used for applying flame and heat to various applications, usually metalworking.
                      Early blowtorches used liquid fuel, carried in a refillable reservoir attached to the lamp. Modern blowtorches are mostly gas-fuelled. Their fuel reservoir is disposable or refillable by exchange. The term "blowlamp" usually refers to liquid-fuelled torches still used in the UK. Liquid-fuelled torches are pressurized by a piston hand pump, while gas torches are self-pressurized by the fuel evaporation.
                       Fuel torches are available in a vast range of size and output power. The term blowtorch applies to the smaller and lower temperature range of these. Blowtorches are typically a single hand-held unit, with their draught supplied by a natural draught of air. The larger torches may have a heavy fuel reservoir placed on the ground, connected by a hose. This is common for butane- or propane-fuelled gas torches, but also applies to the older, large liquid paraffin (kerosene) torches such as the Wells light.
                       Many torches now use a hose-supplied gas feed, which is often mains gas. They may also have a forced-air supply, from either an air blower or an oxygen cylinder. Both of these larger and more powerful designs are less commonly described as blowtorches, while the term blowtorch is usually reserved for the smaller and less powerful self-contained torches. The archaic term "blowpipe" is sometimes still used in relation to oxy-acetylene welding torches.
Types and Variant
                      The blowtorch is referred to in industry and trade as per the fuel consumed by the tool:
1. Gas:
       a. propane gas, see propane torch
       b. MAPP gas
       c. butane gas, see butane torch
       d. liquid petroleum gas (LPG) with ambient atmospheric air via a replaceable LPG cylinder.
        oxy-gas torch
2. Liquid, with ambient atmospheric air after vaporizing it using a coiled tube passing through the flame. They take time to start, needing pre-heating with burning methylated spirit:
        a. kerosene as per C.R. Nyberg of Sweden patent of 1882: a simple heating torch using liquid fuel (such as kerosene (USA) / paraffin oil (UK).
        b. diesel
        c. biodiesel
                      In the case of the gas torch the fuel tank often is small and serves also as the handle, and usually is refuelled by changing the fuel tank with the liquefied gas in it. The forms with gaseous fuel are sometimes fed from a liquid petroleum gas cylinder via a hose.

Hasil gambar untuk rolling pin
                      A rolling pin is a cylindrical food preparation utensil used to shape and flatten dough. Two styles of rolling pin are found: rollers and rods. Roller types consists of a thick cylinder with small handles at each end; rod type rolling pins are usually thin tapered batons. Rolling pins of different styles and materials offer advantages over another, as they are used for different tasks in cooking and baking. The usual rolling pin is used to manually dough the dough, until it reaches the desired thickness. For example used to attenuate the dough rolls, pizza, or cookies.
Types of rolling pins :
 Rod: Thin rods typically made of wood around 2–3 cm in diameter. They are used by rolling the rod across the dough using one's palm. The pins may be tapered at one or both ends for more pivot control in certain tasks such as making small jiaozi skins or pie shells. Most East Asian or French style rolling pins, and the Turkish Oklava are rod style.
Roller: Consists of a thick heavy roller made of a variety of materials around 7–10 cm in diameter with thinner handles which extend through the roller. They are used by grasping the handles and pushing the pin across the dough. Many Western rolling pins are roller types.
 Textured: Some specialized rolling pins have textured surfaces that mark and indents the dough surfaces for special breads and pancakes. They may even be embossed with writing
                    In South Asia, the rolling pin (belan) is used in combination with a chakla (flat circular rolling board). The dough for chapatis is rolled on the chakla with the help of the belan.[2] A modern electronic device, a small kitchen appliance called a Roti Maker (or Tortilla maker) combines the function of chakla, belan and round electric tava cooking griddle.
                   Rolling pins come in a variety of sizes, shapes and materials including glass, ceramic, acrylic, bakelite, copper, brass, aluminium, silicone, wood, stainless steel, marble, and plastic. Some are hollow and are able to be filled with cold or warm water to better roll a desired food. Marble rolling pins are often cooled in a refrigerator for maintaining a cold dough while making puff pastry.

How to Clean Up?
                  After use, wash the rolling pin with soap and warm water so that the dough that sticks can open all. Drain rolling pin with cloth or tissue to dry. Special rollinf pin made of wood, after kerimg, rub with oil, let oil seep into the wood so that moisture is maintained and wood is not cracked.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Utensils #15


           Salamanders are generally open in front and have racks that easily slide in and out. They can be crisp up the top of dishes, toast sub sandwiches, melt cheese, or even be used for actual broiling duty or slow baking. As well, they may be used to keep dishes warm.
           Sometimes, pizza places that sell by the slice will use a salamander to quickly re-melt the cheese and give you a nice hot slice of pizza. Although a salamander can be used to melt cheese, there is also a specific type of broiler, similar to the salamander, that is meant to be used as a cheese melter.
            Salamanders, since they can be used for more than one duty, offer a better alternative for most kitchens, but are more expensive and less simple to use than cheese melters. Many sources conflate simple cheese melters with salamanders, mistakenly assuming that all such broilers are low-intensity broilers, but a high-quality unit can produce varying range of heat, up to searing temperatures of above 1500°F.
            Salamanders can even be used to broil steaks, which, despite what you may think, is a great way to cook a steak, comparable to grilling, but without the risk of blackening due to flare-ups. For a delicate piece of fish, such as a fillet of sole or flounder, a salamander broiler, and broiling in general, may be superior to grilling.
            For professional kitchens, salamander units can be quicker and more efficient than broiling in an oven. The fact that they can be mounted up high, usually above the cooking range, and out of the way means cheese can be melted or dishes can be finished without it interfering with the normal flow of the kitchen. A steakhouse may have several in a stack. As well, some units are meant for counter-top use. A salamander is not something most home kitchens would have, but they are also available for home use. Other names for a salamander are an overhead broiler, finishing oven, or hotel broiler. They may be gas or electric, but gas flame is, by far, the preferred type, with modern gas broilers using infrared burners. They can be from 3 to 6 feet long, with several heating zones. Three-foot models are the most widely used. 

How to Clean Up ?
           Always cared for so that the tray remains clean and also the body is also kept clean.


                  A Pizza Cutter (or pizza wheel) is a utensil that is used to cut pizzas. There are two main types of pizza cutters. The most common uses a wheel that rotates in a circle while a person moves the cutter in a direction that they would like to cut the pizza. The other type is a large curved knife called a mezzaluna (Italian for "half moon"), which is rocked back and forth to cut the pizza. These two types of pizza cutters come in many different sizes. Many people might use the wheel pizza cutter for other things, including craft work. Some types of mezzalunas (particularly the double-bladed type) are often used to mince herbs or chop vegetables.
How to Clean Up ?
                  Only used the clean up product soap and than make sure all the dirty is clear and keep in the nice place. 


                   An Oven Glove, or oven mitt, is an insulated glove or mitten usually worn in the kitchen to easily protect the wearer's hand from hot objects such as ovens, stoves, cookware, etc. They are similar to, but different from, pot-holders.
                   Fabric gloves consist of heat insulation surrounded by cotton fabric, usually consisting of decorative patterns. Newer oven gloves are often treated with silicone, which makes them resistant to water and stains, or made of stronger synthetic materials such as Kevlar or Nomex. Oven mitts are often sold singly rather than in a pair, designed to be worn on either hand.
                   Oven gloves should only be used when dry and only for short periods at a time. The gloves should not come into contact with heating elements, gas flames or similar sources of high temperature. Fabric gloves will not protect against hot liquids.
                   Furnace gloves, or furnace mitts, are more heavily insulated, longer, and can protect the user from intense heat for longer periods of time.
How to Clean Up ?
                  If we done to used just keep it in the dry place do not make the oven glove dirty or wet.

Utensils #14


                  A measuring cup or measuring jug is a kitchen utensil used primarily to measure the volume of liquid or bulk solid cooking ingredients such as flour and sugar, especially for volumes from about 50 mL (2 fl oz) upwards. Measuring cups are also used to measure washing powder, liquid detergents and bleach for clothes washing. The cup will usually have a scale marked in cups and fractions of a cup, and often with fluid measure and weight of a selection of dry foodstuffs.
                  Measuring cups may be made of plastic, glass, or metal. Transparent (or translucent) cups can be read from an external scale; metal ones only from a dipstick or scale marked on the inside.
                  Measuring cups usually have capacities from 250  ml (approx. 1 cup (volume) to 1000  ml (approx. 4 cups = 2 pints = 1 quart), though larger sizes are also available for commercial use. They usually have scale markings at different heights: the substance being measured is added to the cup until it reaches the wanted level. Dry measure cups without a scale are sometimes used, in sets typically of 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, and 1 cup. The units may be milliliters or fractions of a liter, or (specially in the United States[citation needed]) the cup (unit) with its fractions (typically 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, and 3/4), pints, and often fluid ounces. Sometimes multiples of teaspoons and tablespoons are included. There may also be scales for the approximate weight for particular substances, such as flour and sugar.
                    Many dry ingredients, such as granulated sugar, are not very compressible, so volume measures are consistent. Others, notably flour, are more variable. For example, 1 cup of all-purpose flour sifted into a cup and leveled weighs about 100 grams, whereas 1 cup of all-purpose flour scooped from its container and leveled weighs about 140 grams.
                   Using a measuring cup to measure bulk foods which can be compressed to a variable degree such as chopped vegetables or shredded cheese leads to large measurement uncertainties. It is easier to chop down the units for a better measure.

How to Clean Up ?
                  Just use soap cleansers as we generally use and store in place according to the type of material.


                 A cutting board is a durable board on which to place material for cutting. The kitchen cutting board is commonly used in preparing food; other types exist for cutting raw materials such as leather or plastic. Kitchen cutting boards are often made of wood or plastic and come in various widths and sizes. There are also cutting boards made of glass, steel, or marble, which are easier to clean than wooden or plastic ones such as nylon or corian, but tend to damage knives due to their hardness. Rough cutting edges - such as serrated knives - abrade and damage a cutting surface more rapidly than do smooth cutting implements.
                 A knife edge is a delicate structure and can easily be blunted by too abrasive a surface. Alternatively, it can be chipped if used on a surface that is too hard. A good cutting board material must be soft, easy to clean, and non-abrasive, but not fragile to the point of being destroyed. Hard cutting boards can, however, be used for food preparation tasks that do not require a sharp knife, like cutting cheese or making sandwiches. Material of cutting board are Wood, Bamboo, Plastic, Rubber, Silicone, Glass, and Steel.
How to Clear Up ?
                Regardless of the material, regular maintenance of a cutting board is important. A very diluted bleach solution is best for disinfecting cutting boards.[citation needed] To remove odors, the board can be rinsed and then rubbed with coarse salt and left to stand for several minutes before being wiped and rinsed clean. In a wooden board, this procedure will also smooth out minor imperfections on the surface.


                           A waffle iron is a utensil or appliance used to cook waffles. It usually consists of two hinged metal plates, molded to create the honeycomb pattern found on waffles. The iron is heated and either batter is poured or dough is placed between the plates, which are then closed to bake the waffle.
                          The earliest waffle irons originated in the Low Countries around the 14th century. These waffle irons were constructed of two hinged iron plates connected to two long, wooden handles. The plates were often made to imprint elaborate patterns on the waffle, including coat of arms, landscapes, or religious symbols. The waffles would be baked over the hearth fire.
                          In the 19th century, the waffle iron's design adapted to the increasingly common kitchen stove. In 1869, American Cornelius Swartwout patented a waffle iron for stovetop use consisting of cast-iron plates joined by a hinge that swiveled in a cast-iron collar. In 1891 John Kleimbach, a German immigrant living in Shamokin, Pennsylvania became a traveling salesman of waffles after fashioning an iron for the Mansion House Hotel. Kliembach sold waffles for a penny each or ten cents for a dozen. This was popular at the Chicago World's Fair.
                          In 1911, General Electric produced a prototype electric waffle iron, although production did not begin until around 1918. Later, as the waffle iron became more prevalent, designers worked on making the appliance more attractive on the countertop.
How to Clean Up ?
                  How to clean the machine waffle toaster is divided into two namely:
First Stage: Cleaning the Inside / Section of Waffle Manggang
1. Remove the dough that is still attached with a toothbrush
soft or rubber spatula.
2. If there is a dough that has been hard and hard to clean, how? Pour the vegetable oil on stubborn dough and cook 2-3 minutes until the dough is softened and easy to clean. After the dough softens, wipe with tissue paper.
3. Use paper towels dipped in soapy water to clean all surfaces.
4. Take a towel / tissue paper dipped in clean water to remove the soap. Do this several times to make sure the soap is gone.
5. Use a dry towel / tissue to wipe after the toaster. After making sure the inside is dry and clean, it's time to go to stage 2.
6. If the toaster plates can be removed, remove and wash in order to get a cleaner result.
Phase 2: Cleaning the Exterior
                     Use a towel / wet tissue paper to wipe the entire section outside. If greasy use soap water dye, wet cloth to remove soap and dry cloth.
                     Make sure all parts of the waffle grill machine have dried up when we distort back to the closet.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Praktek #2 || Croissant, danish, orange tartlet

Kembali lagi dengan sy gengs,
hari ini kami membuat croissant, danish, dan orange tartlet.

Tapi produk kami tidak terlalu baik, jadi kami akan membuat semuanya lagi besok.

Untuk resep orange tarlet bisa diliat / di cek di blog sebelum sy, sy hanya akan memberi resep untuk filling orangenya.

Orange filling
4 pcs egg
4 pcs egg yolk
250 gr sugar
100 ml lemon jc
200 ml orange jc
80 gr orange zest
1 pcs lemon zest
180 gr butter

Whipped cream
Orange slice


500 gr hard flour
45 gr sugar
8 gr salt
5 gr yeast
1 pcs egg
300 ml fresh milk
300 gr shortening fat

Famous Food #6

Tempe Makanan yang berbahan dasar dari kacang kedelai ini ternyata sudah sering mejeng dalam festival kuliner di dunia. Makanan khas I...